This is me - the mighty warrior

This is me - the mighty warrior

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bukit Merah Library

This afternoon, I went to National Libray Bukit Merah with my mom to watch the performance by our school, Radin Mas Primary School at 2.00pm to 2.45pm at level 3, Radin Mas Hall.

After the performance, I went to level 1 to borrow some story books.

I just read Mdm Koh blog that we had to do LANTERN using recycled materials and to submit by 15.9.2010.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Time Passed Very Fast

Time passed very fast, June School Holidays end soon. Monday, 28/6/2010 school reopen. Days of hard time for me again - study, study and study; homeworks, homeworks and alot of homeworks then CA2 come.

Friday, June 25, 2010

P4 Math and Science Carnival

Yesterday I went to Dunman High School for the P4 Math and Science Carnival. I enjoyed the trip. There were alots of school participate, alots of game stalls, food stalls and workshops.

I did not have time to see all around as place was very big.

Hopefully next time, we can stay a little longer.

We left the school at around 12.30pm.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

3D Toy Story 3

Today went to see movie - 3D Toy Story 3 with my mum.

I enjoyed the movie so much.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Had just completed my Science Homeworks.

Wonder how to do the Young Innovator, can't get the magnets I want from the shops near my house.

Do anyone know where I can buy strong magnets, please let me know? Thanks.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Yesterday, I was absent from school. My left ear pain. My mom brought me to see doctor.
The doctor said infection on my left ear and I had slight fever. The doctor gave me 1 day m.c.

Today, my mom and I went to see movie 'Shrek - Forever Afer 3D'. It was a nice show and I enjoyed it very much.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

At last I finished my E learning homework

Friday, May 21, 2010

Absence from school part 2

Now I feel much better.

Hopefully, Monday there will not be alot of homeworks.


Absence from school tdoay

Yesterday night, suddenly I was not feeling so well. So I went to bed early b4 9pm.

This morning when my mother woke me up, I felt a little dizzy , my throat pain and block nose. My mother gave me some medicine to take. She wanted me to lay on the bed to rest.

It was so boring laying on the bed. I also afraid Monday go back to school, there will be alot of homeworks awaiting for me to do like yesterday (alot of 华文功课).

So boring and helpless laying on the bed to rest - can't do anythings as my mother don't allow.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Examination Out. Time to relax

At last, we had finished our last paper (Science). Now, I can have some time to play my PS2 games.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother Day

Mdm Koh, wish you a Happy Mother Day and may all your wishes and dreams come true.

Jian Wei
9.5.2010, 8.43 am

Happy Mother Day

Happy Mother Day to my mother and all mummies.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Nafa Test (1.6km run)

At last, I managed to complete the 1.6km run better than my previous attempt. Luckily, I did not finished last.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Nafa Test Again

Tomorrow is Nafa Test again for me.

Sad Sad Sad

Why can't the teacher excuse me from the test?

I am going to have nightmare tonite, thinking of the Nafa Test.

posted 6.5.2010, 7.02pm

Mother Tongue Paper 1

I just managed to complete my Mother Tongue Paper 1 in time. I have not time to recheck the paper.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Just finished learning my 听写. 6pm, 3.5.10

Social Studies Poster

At last, I had finished the poster for Social Studies. Wonder whether I had done it correctly. Tomorrow pass to Mdm Koh to check. Hopefully it is correct, don't need to redo again.

Early morning jogging

This morning (3.5.10), I woke up at 6 am. My mother and I went for a morning jog.

This was my first time woke up so early to go jogging with my mum.

The morning air was so fresh and cooling.

After jogging, we went to the park near Radin Mas CC for a work out (beside the CC there are some gym exercise equipment meant for senior citizens ).

After exercise, we went to market to have some drinks.

I had a wonderful morning. I told my mum every weekend shall we go for morning jog. Mummy said ok no problem as long as I want to exercise she will accompany me.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Running Shoe

Yesterday, I went shopping with my mother. She bought a pair of running shoe for me. I like it so much.

I plan to go for running every morning during my this coming school holidays with my mum. Hope that I can cut down some of my weight.

My school holiday aim - Cut Down My Excess Weight.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Voting for Xavier and Monica

I had just voted for both of them. Hi everyone, let us altogether vote for them and help them to win.


Friday, April 30, 2010

Answers for yesterday questions - put on your thinking hat

Ans 1. The skunks do not smell bad themselves but it is a defence mechanism in them which secretes a smelly

liquid. They possess two tiny anal glands at the base of their tail. Whenever threatened they turn

around, raise their tail and shoot the smelly liquid onto the face of the enemy. This drives the enemy


Ans 2. Rainbow is formed as a result of refraction of light from suspended water particles after a rainfall.

These water droplets are present at a uniform height above the earth's surface. Since the earth is

spherical in shape, these particles are present in a spherical plane, enveloping the earth. If such a

plane of moisture is cut by sunlight, a circular line or the rainbow is generated. But to us only one

half of the rainbow is visible as our vision is restricted to the left and right horizons. That is why the

rainbow appears semi-circular.

Ans. 3. The earth completes one revolution around the sun in 3651/4 days. This period of 365 days

constitutes one earth year and every fourth year the extra quarters add up to make a year having one

more day. This year having 366 days is called a leap year.

So have anyone get the answers correct?


Q1. Why do skunks smell bad?

Q2. Why is a rainbow always semi-circular?

Q3. Why does a leap year come after 4 years?
Anyone knows the answers? Yes, post your answers here. No, please follow my post tomorrow, I will let you know the answers?
Bye Bye



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At last Friday school was over for this week. The next three days, I can sleep a little bit late. Don't need to worry over slept or stupid Nafa Test.

Today due to little time left, I was told by the teacher that I will take the 1.6km run next friday. Oh NO,
next Friday will be hell to me again.

Can't the school or MOE just leave it, just 1 time Nafa Test - pass or fail never mind as long as the children took part and complete it. Don't give us children stress. We already had alot of stress - school homeworks, examinations, extra lessons, enrichment courses, and alot of assessment books parent want us to do.


Friday, some of my classmate plus myself will have to retake our Nafa test. It was like hell to me. I had to struggle to complete the 1.6km run. The PE teacher keep pushing me to run faster and faster during the last Nafa test. I felt both my legs going to break and breathless.

Now have to retake the test, it like a hell to me. I just don't understanding why must we take Nafa Test.


ANYBODY CAN HELP ME - (hope that I can transform to be a Sonic that
have superpower so that I can run faster).

Thursday, April 29, 2010

At last finished my homework. Now start learning 听写.

After that, I am allow to watch cartoons.

BBC Learning is Fun Magazine Issue 25

At last the BBC Learning is Fun Magazine Issue 25 arrived. Although I can't wait to read it, but I can't. I had Science homework to do. 作文 to write and 听写 to learn.



Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Busy Busy - No time to read the Little Red Dots

From Tuesday till today, I still have no time to read the Little Red Dots - So many homeworks, spelling to learn, 听写, 知识画报 to do. Very stressful - no time to relax to play my Playstation game - Dynasty Warriors.
Hope I had Doraemon to help.

Young Scientist Magazine

I am very happy today. I have received my favourite magazine - THE YOUNG SCIENTIST.

I Know What You Did Last Wednesday

I had just completed reading a story book, title : I Know What You Did Last Wednesday. It was an interesting and scary book. I can't wait to complete it within a day when my mother bought it for me. The story : -

"It's not fair. I do my homework. I clean my teeth twice a day.

Why does everyone want to kill me?"

It's a dangerous life being the younger brother of the world's worst private detective, but Nick Diamond's

survived...... so far. Nick's due a holiday, so he should be happy when his brother Tim receives an

invitation to a school reunion on a remote Scottish island.

But Nick's got a bad feeling ---- and it's not indigestion.

When he meets their fellow guest, the feeling only gets worse.

Especially when they start dying in ever more bizarre ways...........


Monday, April 26, 2010

One of my collection (Mr Men Little Miss Handphone Straps

7-11 Mr Men Little Miss Magnets

Today I joined the 7-11 Mr Men Little Miss Magnets online contest (the longest English word). Hopefully I will win the contest.

Friday, April 23, 2010